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Confidently Find Your Way Forward.

For a while now, you’ve been feeling unsettled, bewildered, ‘off’. Like something is missing. 


The things that used to bring you joy and meaning don’t fill you up in the ways they used to. Things that used to be important don’t seem to matter as much now.


Maybe there is this feeling… “I’m meant for more. Something in me wants to be expressed. There’s something more I’m meant to contribute.”


Maybe you’ve been a stranger to your own real needs and interests for so long, that you no longer know what you want or are even unsure who you are.


Or maybe something in your life has unexpectedly shifted, collapsed, or changed and you feel the space it’s left you, and you’re wondering…


“what’s next?”

a confident woman holding a cup, symbolising guidance and direction in career and life choices

While you’re in a season of uncertainty, what you do know for sure is that you’re ready to...

Reignite Your Spark. 

To find out what makes your heart sing.

To have clarity about who you are and what you want.

To feel confident about getting there.

To move towards it with inspiration and joy.

To experience more meaning and balance in your life.

That’s why you’re here.


You want to have a safe and empowering container to listen to yourself. A place to navigate transition. A place to make changes with intention.


It can feel scary to cross the threshold from one way of being and living to a new one. I know it because I’ve been there many times, too. But,  you don’t have to do this alone – let's cross over together.


Meet the Life Transition Experience.

A highly personalized, intensive, and comprehensive coaching experience to help you find clarity about who you are and where you are meant to be going so you can start to create a life that feels like a full expression of YOU.

What working together looks like -

A 3-month coaching program that is 100% curated for YOU includes:

Private Coaching.

6, 50-minute coaching sessions. During the first session I help you get crystal clear on where in your life you are feeling stuck and unexpressed, and the new vision of yourself and that life that you want to step into.

Session Recordings.

You will get the recordings of all our sessions + a recap email with your action steps so you always know what you need to focus on.

Unlimited Support.

In between our sessions you’ll get unlimited support and access to me via Voxer (a walki-talkie app where we get to leave each other voice messages). You’ll never have to wait two weeks to share blocks or challenges that come up for you. 

Bonus Course Access.

As a private client you get complimentary access to current courses or workshops, personalised guided meditations + any resources I feel are relevant to our work that I send you along the way, so that we are really maximising our time together.

Rather than working through a set “curriculum”, this experience is completely tailored to you and based on 3 pillars:

a confident and poised woman standing in front of a bookshelf, exuding intelligence and expertise as a life and career coach

Discover Your Blueprint

We will explore your values, your priorities, your most powerful self, your passions, your creative zone, your strengths, your purpose (your ‘why’), your interests and curiosities, and the things that bring you the most joy and help you thrive in life.

Unlock Your Blocks

We will look at the things that block you from stepping into your brilliance and hold you back from taking action. These are your fears, self-criticisms, personal judgments, shoulds, and limiting beliefs. We’ll unpack them and break them down so you can start leaning forward towards your visions, dreams, desires, and heart callings.

a woman sitting peacefully in nature, holding a notebook and pen, symbolizing introspection and empowerment through nature-in
professional with a notebook and pen, representing strategic planning and organization in career and life coaching

Create Your Vision

You will be crafting a vision for your life that lights you up, aligns with your ultimate self and excites you to get into action. Alongside, you will be building a solid self care tool kit that will help you to connect with your own inner wisdom, shift your mindset when it’s not serving you, and make wholehearted empowered decisions.

These tools, practices, and mindset shifts are for a lifetime and are there for you to use and reuse in any area of your life.

"I approached Naama after returning to work after maternity leave and feeling completely at odds with the career I had built before I had my son. My confidence was at an all time low and due to upheaval at work, I was at a point of crisis and needed help seeking direction. My discussions focussed on my limiting self belief and my tendency to focus on past issues or inability to perform under pressure. I was essentially defining my future based on a warped view of my past.


I didn’t know that the type of support that Naama provides existed and also felt that if it did, it wasn’t appropriate for me. I was of course wrong and it was reassuring and enlightening to know that the support was there. I truly felt that I might be having some sort of mental health crisis but instead it became clear that I just needed help to bring myself back to me, to retrain my view of myself and my self worth. I am now much more confident in trusting my gut as well as not spiralling into damaging negative thoughts if minor things go wrong. I feel much more positive about my career and my life and more importantly I feel at peace, which I’m fairly sure I haven’t felt for years."

– E.S.

a woman peacefully in nature, symbolising introspection and empowerment through nature-inspired career and life coaching

So, Is This Coaching Experience for You? 

The answer is Yes If...

You find yourself in one of these situations:


You’re standing at an inner or outer crossroads wondering which way to go. Asking yourself - Is this it? What do I want? Maybe now? What’s next? What’s missing?


You’re going through a transition, i.e. a new promotion at work, a relocation, going back to work as a new mom or after years of raising children, a change in your relationship, experiencing redundancy, etc.


And beyond that…


You have reached a point in your life where you realize that it’s time to stop blaming your past choices or other people for why you aren’t feeling fulfilled. You realize that you are 100% responsible for your choices, mistakes, and also, successes. You are ready to stop outsourcing your decisions and happiness, and to take responsibility and ownership over your life and desires, instead.


Whether you are standing at a crossroads or going through transition, you feel like your life isn’t a reflection of you. You feel called to go on a self-discovery journey. A journey of inner reorientation and self-redefinition. It feels scary, but you are ready to embrace it with open arms. 


Something feels ‘off’. Something is missing. You want to discover what brings you joy, inspiration, creativity, and energy to do things. You want to reignite your spark and bring your life back into full color.


You feel like you’re constantly holding yourself back with fears, insecurities, and self-doubt and you feel ready to do the inner work so you can reclaim your confidence, step up your game and play bigger. 


You have been putting everything and everyone else ahead of your own needs. There hasn’t been room for you to focus on what you want. You feel like it’s your time now to reprioritise you. To tend to your own needs, to listen to your daydreams, to care for your soul.


If not now, when?

Apply here for a 30 minute free consultation session to discover more about this program and find out if we are a good fit!

Brace yourself for magic, because here is what you can expect:

Feel more confident and courageous to take action


Stop letting the voice that says you're too young, too old, or not enough to hold you back


Develop tools and practices to help you manage your inner critic and self doubt


Feel empowered to make decisions without overthinking and overanalysing


Discover and share your own voice so that you can feel more expressed in your work and in life


Feel less dependent on external approval and validation


Understand how your mind works so that you can manage it better (instead of it managing you!)


Stop undermining yourself with your own words, and have more confidence to speak up

Will you muster the courage and take the leap?

This 30-minute call is an opportunity for us to get to know each other. I'll learn all about your world right now, where you're feeling stuck, and where you want to be. No obligation. No pressure. Two people getting to know each other & seeing if we are a match.

"I began working with Naama after a few years of being on a career rollercoaster. I left a long-term corporate job where I was bullied and became self-employed. But after a while, I couldn’t see a way forward to improve my work-life balance, reach a level of abundance and make choices that honour my values and priorities. I had finally reached the point I was aiming for, but I wasn’t fulfilled. I had a deep yearning to live with more ease. To live slower and more intuitively, but I didn’t know how to do that and still earn a living.

Naama guided me to peel back the layers of ‘shoulds’, shiny pennies, other people’s expectations, and old stories and beliefs I had dragged around with me throughout my adult life. This process helped me find clarity around what I truly want and how to get there. I gained the courage to make decisions that served me rather than what I thought I should be doing. I’ve let go of the people-pleasing and stopped caring what other people think of my job title or the car I drive. I’ve got a deep level of compassion and kindness towards myself. I’ve re-designed my life and found more freedom than I ever thought possible.

Naama helps you to create the life of your dreams!"

– H.M.

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