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My career turning point 💫

It was a hot night in Prague. I was staring at the patterns on the guesthouse’s high peeled ceiling, trying to fall asleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a big day. I was about to meet the curator who nominated me for the European Prize for emerging artists and start setting up my work for the exhibition. So why was I not feeling excited?? Or nervous?? or happy?? or proud??

The opening night was in three days. In my heart of hearts, I couldn’t care less. My ego wanted to win the prize because that would have been an awesome achievement to tell about, but deep inside, I didn’t want to win. That would put a lot of pressure on something I wasn't even sure I wanted – to dedicate myself to making art.

I didn’t win. And while my ego felt disappointed, I felt a sense of relief.

But, now what?

I spent the next 3 months crying on the sofa, questioning my choices, and feeling lost and confused. I was feeling behind.

I’ve invested time, energy, effort and money on this path. I moved to a different country. I graduated with honours. People ‘saw me as an artist’. How can I just 'forget' about it? Do I just let go of it all or persevere? And what would I even do instead?

I felt like everyone had it all figured out and I didn’t know what I wanted from my life. I felt like I had no credentials or experience or even a sense of direction about my career path and life in general.

After weeks of drowning in self-pity, I managed to pull myself out of the sofa.

Slowly, I started a process of unearthing my old dreams, befriending neglected parts of myself (the growth-minded, the creative, the spiritual seeker), and, step by step, changing my life to make it a more authentic expression of me.

As I was reflecting, I realised that, interestingly enough, while I went to art school, I didn’t feel creative at all. I think that somewhere along the way, I learned to rely more on my intellect and lean less on my heart. With that, I neglected my spiritual life, and the creative in me became lost.

I realised that so much of the crying on the sofa was because I was lost from all that. I felt a disconnect from self.

Slowly but surely, I could remember what I truly loved — writing, spirituality, personal growth, entrepreneurship, human behaviour and creativity.

How could I build a life that was about those things? This question was at the centre of my self-inquiry.

During that period, I recall how much I wished to find someone who could support me on this journey. Someone who could help me make sense of this life transition. Someone who could show me the way. Someone who could reflect back to me and guide me towards choosing, or rather, creating, a path that honours all my different facets, passions and curiosities, that leverages my knowledge, skills, strengths and experiences.

I didn't find that person.

With time, I've acknowledged that I wanted to do work in the realm of my lifelong passions – personal growth, human behaviour, and spirituality. That led me to the work I do now, which I've been so grateful to do over what’s coming closer to a decade.

My pivotal crossroads moment became a turning point in my life, one that reflected my real aspirations, both for my life and for my work.

Over the years, as my coaching practice evolved, my focus shifted toward life and career transitions. It was an organic, almost inevitable process. Without quite realising it at the time, I came full circle to where I started this journey of self-discovery. I started filling a need in the world that I longed for years ago when I was standing at that crossroads.

Today I provide the kind of support I was craving but couldn't find at the time. I learned what was most helpful to my clients on these pivotal crossroads moments asking themselves -- Is this it? Now what? What do I truly want? Clients seek to create lives around the things they truly love and value.

From what I learned, and of course, from my own journey, I developed a toolkit of mindset shifts, practices and tools for people in transitions.

That’s where this work was born.

If you are where I was years ago, asking yourself: 'But now what?', if you want to create a life and work around the things you love, one that honours all different facets and layers of yourself, and reflects who you are, fill out this form to apply for a free 30-minute discovery session. Once your form has been submitted, I'll contact you with availability to schedule your call.




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