From high profile good-on-paper jobs to authenticity and fulfilment
In my work, there is a phenomenon that never ceases to amaze me. Each time I open spots for new clients, there seems to be similarities in the journeys of those who sign up. This couldn't have been truer for two of my clients who completed their 6-months journeys in April.
They both had high-profile good-on-paper jobs and they both wanted to shift into work that feels more creative, more meaningful, more fulfilling, more THEM. Beyond discovering and embarking on their new career path, it has been a deeply transformative experience.
I can keep talking (err writing) all about them and what I’ve seen as their growth and evolution in our work together, but instead, today, I want to share their perspective.

This is what they had to share about their experience working together:
"I began working with Naama after reaching a crisis point. I'd fallen into a good-on-paper position, but always suspected it wasn't where I was supposed to be. I was stuck in that job for years, telling myself that I was lucky, and emphasising the good parts of the role when talking to friends. But I never felt proud of my work, and spent a lot of time justifying it to myself and others. In 2022, I finally realised that I needed to quit. But I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I was deeply frustrated and unfulfilled in my job, but had no idea what my next move should be. I was in complete career paralysis, and it was compromising my sense of identity. When I found Naama's website I was miserable, frustrated, and confused.
Throughout the Career Transition Experience, Naama was a voice of reason and clarity. She challenged and encouraged me on every step of our journey together, and always met me with compassion. I came into the process with a number of established "truths" or stories I told myself about who I was. Naama effortlessly cut to the core of those stories, questioning their truth and reframing them in a way that best served me. Ultimately, this has led to me pursuing (and thriving in!) a career I'd always considered impossible. Eight months after our first discovery call, I'm self-employed, my passion is my full-time career, and I feel more fulfilled and excited about my life and work than I thought possible.
I remember reading these testimonials when I was considering booking a discovery call. Back then I could NEVER have imagined how transformative working with Naama would be. It's the best investment I've made. I can't recommend Naama enough."
– C.G.
"After 12 years of a high profile job coming to an end I was feeling so lost and directionless. Naama has helped me enormously. Over the months I worked with Naama I feel like I rediscovered myself - and I have a new appreciation of my skill set and what I have to offer the world. The gentle way in which Naama holds a space for you to reconnect with what makes you you is so empowering and has brought me so much clarity. She has shown me that there is power in change and living by your values.
I am now following a path that feels authentic and right for me, instead of making decisions based on what other people might think of me. I have so much more self belief and self compassion which is incredibly freeing. Thank you Naama for being such a superb guide - I cannot thank you enough"
– K.E.
6-months of visioning, coaching, support, accountability, guidance, troubleshooting, revisiting, shifting, reframing and visioning again have helped them to create and live a life that feels like a reflection and expression of who they are.
If their experience inspires you and you feel drawn to go on this journey, too, you can apply for a FREE 30-minute discovery call by filling out this form right here. Once your form has been submitted, I'll contact you with availability to schedule your call. This call is for me to get to know you and better understand how I can help you reach your goals + for us to find out if we’re a good fit.