The Path of Following The Breadcrumbs Begins Here.
I know a thing or two about transitions.
Leaving Africa.
My first memory of transition is from when I was 8 years old. I moved back with my family from Nigeria, Africa, to Israel. I have this vivid image of our taxi driver's car standing in the dark waiting to take us to the airport as we said goodbyes. The memories we carry with us for years and decades of our lives stick with us because they hold great significance. They are part of what shapes us and the way we see the world. It was my first lesson on building resilience through transition. It taught me the gift of embracing change and welcoming the new.

The Path of Shoulds.
At 21 I told my mom I wanted to become a yoga teacher. At the time, yoga wasn’t mainstream as it is today. There was no Instagram, we didn’t even have smartphones. We were practicing on old carpets in our village’s community center, it was something hippy people did.
Can you imagine my mom’s response to that? Like a good people-pleaser, I let it go and got myself a degree.
Wholehearted Decisions.
In the summer of 2009 I made a decision that changed the trajectory of my life.
At the beginning of the year, I thought I had it all figured out. I was living in the center of Tel Aviv, not far from the college where I was about to begin my studies. I had a good-paying, flexible job that I was planning to combine with my studies. I had a car to get me to work and a bike to get me to college. Until I met the person who would 7 years later, become my husband. I decided to leave my perfectly sorted out life and follow him to The Netherlands, where I ended up studying Fine Arts.
Why was this moment so significant? I didn’t choose the path that felt easy. I chose the path that felt right. While my mind gave me a laundry list of why nots and what-ifs, my heart told me something else. I followed my heart and never looked back.
I chose to be the author of my own story instead of being the passenger, letting fear and shoulds drive me. It’s what grew my confidence and enabled me, 6 years later, to make a pivot in my professional life.

Pivoting. Back to The Drawing Board.
I graduated with honors. I was nominated for prizes. “A promising artist”, they said. While my ego loved this idea of being ‘successful’ and although I had a passion for art, in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn’t my path. I didn’t see myself as an artist. After a few months of crying on the sofa, questioning my choices, and feeling lost and confused, I was ready to go back to the drawing board. Starting with what was still lingering inside, I signed up for yoga teacher training.
It wasn't without many mental wobbles, though. I was worried about what people would say, about the time and money I’ve spent on this path, and was doubting if I’m not supposed to just stick to something I’m good at. I was afraid of letting go of my identity.
And yet again, I sifted through the ‘noise’ (the inner critic, the doubts, the fears, the judgments) and listened to the voice in my heart. I trusted the guidance of that quiet inner voice of wisdom, whispering: ‘follow me’.

Following The Breadcrumbs.
After a few months of teaching yoga at a local studio, I was asked to be a full-time private yoga teacher for two accomplished business coaches in the Netherlands. It was my first intimate exposure to the world of coaching. I loved it. Noticing how drawn I felt to coaching, personal development, and wellbeing, I decided to enroll at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where I was trained to become a health coach.
I built a full-time coaching business while going through two big life transitions - relocating to the UK and becoming a mom. I have fully embraced both transitions. Rather than seeing them as a liability or hindrance, I welcomed the opportunities they have presented. I have allowed them to change me and as a result, I’ve experienced so much growth personally and professionally.
I kept following the breadcrumbs, the opportunities, and curiosities that showed up, and kept shaping and designing my career (and life) – pursuing more training, creating new programs, growing my expertise, and shifting my focus accordingly.
If this sparks your curiosity about your own 'breadcrumbs journey' and want to get started with my FREE Passions & Purpose Workbook right away, check out it out right here

Owning Your Brilliance.
Early on in my coaching I started noticing that the incredible individuals I got to work with, 9 out of 10 didn’t know how incredible they are. I was stunned by it. Brilliant people who are struggling to trust themselves, express their voice, and make decisions that are true to who they are. Incredible people are held back by self-doubt and indecisiveness.
It cracked a piece of my heart open seeing these talented, smart, caring people settling for less than because at some point in their lives they created a story that they are not enough.
In my time as a coach, I’ve seen clients not acting on their desires and ideas out of fear of criticism and failure. I’ve seen clients being paralysed and unable to move in the absence of approval and validation.
I’ve also witnessed the miracle that can happen when we address these issues, the freedom, and courage that comes with that. The freedom that comes when we no longer depend on others’ validation or fear their disapproval.
What is the journey we have to go through to own our brilliance? I was possessed by this question.
I learned, through my own journey and through working with clients, the keys to unlocking our brilliance. The tools, mindset shifts, and practices that were most helpful for individuals committed to creating a more fulfilling work and life.
A life they truly love. A life free of constant self-doubt and paralyzing fears.
That’s where this work was born and I’m excited to share it with you!

Professional Bio
Naama Zusman is a Life & Career Coach who empowers people to answer the call of their hearts, trust their wisdom, and pursue the work and experiences that will bring them deep fulfillment. In her time as a coach, she has witnessed countless people live life following other people’s rules, choosing a path that isn’t fully aligned, and wondering, “Is this it?” She believes we are all meant to find out what that is and take small and big leaps of faith to get there: leaving behind a 10-year career for something new, transitioning into a new industry, starting a business, unapologetically being your whole, authentic self at work. Naama is passionate about supporting her clients to honor what they want, pursue it with confidence, and build the resilience needed to ride the evolution of their lives, work & beyond.
Licensed Career Coach, Firework Coaching, 2021
The Coaching Way by Tara Mohr, 2021
Intuitive Eating For Healthcare Professionals, London Centre For Intuitive Eating, 2018
Straight-Line Leadership Intensive Training, 2017
Certified Health Coach, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, 2016
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training- 200 hours RYT, Miami Life Center with Kino MacGregor and Tim Feldmann, 2014
Bachelor of Arts, HKU (Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht), 2010 – 2014