Are You Keeping Your Fears In-Check?
I'm keeping this week's email short and sweet so you have plenty of time to do this fear journaling exercise. If you’ve been reading my...

Your inner critic is not a sign to quit
Last week I shared a post on social media about our inner critic – I’ve got lots of responses from people who said they needed to hear...

My biggest lesson from the past decade… TRUST.
What a decade... A truly transformative one for me! My favourite part about reviewing and reflecting on the year and the decade behind me...

What do you do when everything seems to go wrong?
Do you know these days where everything seems to go wrong? You know, days where things keep happening to you over and over again… and...

How to make space for things that matter to you?
Last week I wrote a post on social media about the challenges I’ve been experiencing around getting back to my regular post-pregnancy...

Decision Making & Self-Trust - Everything You Need To Know
I used to be a person who could never make decisions, big or small… I was the one who’d stand in the ice cream shop unable to decide if...

The Day Is Not Over Yet
I remember hearing this quote by Henri Murger “The day is not over yet. You may still meet with Providence, who never gets up before...

How to Stop Worrying What Other People Think of You
In my time as a coach, I’ve seen so many clients not acting on their desires and brilliant ideas for the fear of what others would think...

A Different Way to Think About Regret
“Whenever I’m working on these exercises around my plan and my vision, I get really excited but a moment later I get so frustrated” One...