Does your dream feel impossible?
“What if I’m just not built for it? Maybe I just don’t have what it takes…” My client spoke those words recently in a session. I know...

The bamboo tree 🎋
After the seed is planted, the Giant Timber Bamboo tree takes at least three years to come out of the ground. Once it does, it grows...

You Are Meant To Change 🐛🦋
I was thinking about this time last year, how so many of us were pinning all of our hopes on 2021. Counting on things outside of us to...

How to deal with feeling behind in life
Last week I shared a post on Instagram about feeling like you’re behind in life. I got so many comments and DMs from people that I felt...

Stop standing in your own way
I want to challenge you today… Think about an area/s in your life where you’re struggling / feeling stuck or blocked. This can be in your...

Worrying what others think?
One of my favourite parts of coaching is seeing my client’s eyes lit up when they are having big aha moments. In a recent coaching...

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
A little while ago in a response to an Instagram DM about Imposter Syndrome, I shared that we need to ‘normalize imposter syndrome’....

"I'm just not this kind of person"
One of the questions I’m often asked is: “How do you wake up early every day to do your morning routine?” It’s often followed by... “I’m...

How to feel more confident
I used to think that confidence is something you’re born with. You’re either born with this ‘trait’ or you’re doomed to feel insecure for...

Please Stop Pleasing
If you're reading this, then I'm guessing you’ve identified as a people-pleaser at one point or another in your life. You’re not alone......