Your biggest fear
There are three main fears that often come up with clients – Fear of failure (fear of things not working out, fear of making a mistake,...

You don't need to be more confident
"If only I was more confident..." "When I'll be more confident then I'll..." "I know where I would like to grow career-wise, but lack the...

How to figure out what to do next?
“I feel like there are two paths I could choose to follow. I can continue doing what I’m doing now, which is safe, stable and...

How to Get Past a Fear of Failure
A few years ago I launched a new service in my business. I was so excited to bring this project I’ve been working on for a few months...

3 Strategies for Overcoming Fear of Change
“I have this recurring dream where I’m lost in the woods. I’m walking around trying to find my way home and I keep getting back to the...

What's your WHY?
I will never forget the day I ran away from school; I was 9 years old. The school nurse came to talk about the next day’s vaccination. I...

Worrying what others think?
One of my favourite parts of coaching is seeing my client’s eyes lit up when they are having big aha moments. In a recent coaching...

How to feel more confident
I used to think that confidence is something you’re born with. You’re either born with this ‘trait’ or you’re doomed to feel insecure for...

Is fear of failure holding you back in your life?
During the first 2.5 decades of my life I haven’t really experienced big crippling failures, at least not ones I can recall. However,...

Do you tend to procrastinate? Here's how to stop
I was never really a procrastinator growing up. At school and even at university, I was always the student who starts working on a...