Treasure Hunts
I often talk here about this notion that many of us carry that we have to suffer to be good. It’s a cultural limiting belief that is...

Feeling overwhlemed?
If you're here long enough you probably know I’m all about consciously creating your own life. A life that feels good and aligned with...

Red Kites & permission to slow down (woo-woo warning)
After a couple of intense full on months I started getting messages to slow down. These last few months have been so wild and busy and...

When life opened a door for me everything changed
At the beginning of 2009 I thought I had it all figured out. Life almost seemed perfect (definitely on the outside). I was living in the...

Your inner critic is not who you are
I used to think that everyone's inner critic is completely unique, but after working with so many people (+ watching my own inner...

7 Quick Rituals to Ground & Uplift You
A couple of weeks ago I had an insight around shifting from surviving to thriving during one of my morning journaling sessions. I...

When I was 21 and told my mom I wanted to become a yoga teacher
When I was 21 I told my mom I wanted to become a yoga teacher. I’ve been practicing for over four years and I was captured by it’s magic....

How I found courage in the midst of pandemic
The past few months have been the strangest of times, haven’t they? I don’t think any of us could have anticipated we would find...

My Top Working From Home Tips
I’m sitting in my garden office (which I’m so grateful for, especially during these days) with my cup of tea, listening to the rain. It’s...

Do you feel ALIVE in your life?
This is my favourite part of the morning, sitting in my garden with my second (ok, third) coffee of the day. Maya and Gil are both...