Do you find it hard to slow down?
Rest, slowing down, downtime… Why do we resist it so much? I don’t know about you, but often, as I think about slowing down, I get...

On happiness, chargers & drainers - grab your notebook 📒
The other day I read a quote from author Eve Rodsky “Happiness is sustained attention to something you love.” Happiness is a tricky...

How to Get Past a Fear of Failure
A few years ago I launched a new service in my business. I was so excited to bring this project I’ve been working on for a few months...

The "Great Resignation" is a Great Reevaluation
About halfway through 2021, I started noticing something interesting happening in my work. My clients all wanted support around their...

Does your dream feel impossible?
“What if I’m just not built for it? Maybe I just don’t have what it takes…” My client spoke those words recently in a session. I know...

3 Strategies for Overcoming Fear of Change
“I have this recurring dream where I’m lost in the woods. I’m walking around trying to find my way home and I keep getting back to the...

The bamboo tree 🎋
After the seed is planted, the Giant Timber Bamboo tree takes at least three years to come out of the ground. Once it does, it grows...

5 strategies to help you make decisions without overthinking
“Think about it” Most of us have been given this advice from quite early on in life when we faced a decision. It’s a reasonable thing to...

What's in Your Attic? Awaken Old Passions
There’s an exercise I love taking through clients who’re looking to reignite their spark, to bring in more fulfilment to their life and...

How to live a purposeful life
I get a lot of questions from people who’re seeking purpose and meaning in their lives. And I often get questions from people who’re...