When You Don’t Feel Like Yourself
“I don’t even know what my interests are anymore”. My client spoke those words in our first session, and although it didn’t surprise me,...

How to transform your relationship with time ⏰
Today I’m excited to share with you a revelation about time (and how we can improve our relationship with it) I had last Friday, at the...

Do you find it hard to slow down?
Rest, slowing down, downtime… Why do we resist it so much? I don’t know about you, but often, as I think about slowing down, I get...

On happiness, chargers & drainers - grab your notebook 📒
The other day I read a quote from author Eve Rodsky “Happiness is sustained attention to something you love.” Happiness is a tricky...

What's in Your Attic? Awaken Old Passions
There’s an exercise I love taking through clients who’re looking to reignite their spark, to bring in more fulfilment to their life and...

You Are Meant To Change 🐛🦋
I was thinking about this time last year, how so many of us were pinning all of our hopes on 2021. Counting on things outside of us to...

Questions to ask yourself in challenging times
One of my amazing clients has been going through a difficult time so I have crafted a few journaling questions for her, to help her...

on keeping clear boundaries
I will never forget this sentence a mentor of mine told me years ago - “Naama, you need to stop abandoning yourself.” I had a tendency to...

Hummingbirds from the universe + an invitation to practice pleasure
A few weeks ago I FaceTimed with my dad to wish him a happy birthday, he was sitting in the garden so I asked him to give me a little...

Please Stop Pleasing
If you're reading this, then I'm guessing you’ve identified as a people-pleaser at one point or another in your life. You’re not alone......