You’ve Got Choices
While harvesting rhubarb for crumble from the garden the other day, I found myself thinking about this first week of September—a week of...

Your biggest fear
There are three main fears that often come up with clients – Fear of failure (fear of things not working out, fear of making a mistake,...

You don't need to be more confident
"If only I was more confident..." "When I'll be more confident then I'll..." "I know where I would like to grow career-wise, but lack the...

How to transform your relationship with time ⏰
Today I’m excited to share with you a revelation about time (and how we can improve our relationship with it) I had last Friday, at the...

I've been recognised in the 'Top 20 Coaches in Leeds in 2022' list!
I recently shared on my social media accounts that I've been recognised in 'Top 20 Coaches in Leeds in 2022' list and I’ve received so...

How to Get Past a Fear of Failure
A few years ago I launched a new service in my business. I was so excited to bring this project I’ve been working on for a few months...

Does your dream feel impossible?
“What if I’m just not built for it? Maybe I just don’t have what it takes…” My client spoke those words recently in a session. I know...

3 Strategies for Overcoming Fear of Change
“I have this recurring dream where I’m lost in the woods. I’m walking around trying to find my way home and I keep getting back to the...

The bamboo tree 🎋
After the seed is planted, the Giant Timber Bamboo tree takes at least three years to come out of the ground. Once it does, it grows...

You Are Meant To Change 🐛🦋
I was thinking about this time last year, how so many of us were pinning all of our hopes on 2021. Counting on things outside of us to...