Eight Tips To Help You Ease Stress & Anxiety
With all the fear, uncertainty and stress spreading around, COVID-19 has exposed our need to practice more PRESENCE. Alongside doing the...

When you feel GOOD - GOOD things happen to you
Last week, on a beautiful sunny morning as I was having my morning coffee, I opened up my Instagram and there was a beautiful message...

Your inner critic is not a sign to quit
Last week I shared a post on social media about our inner critic – I’ve got lots of responses from people who said they needed to hear...

New rituals I’ve been adding recently for better sleep & more headspace
This might sound weird to you, considering the fact I’m sleep deprived (being a new mom), lately I’ve been struggling to sleep. The...

My biggest lesson from the past decade… TRUST.
What a decade... A truly transformative one for me! My favourite part about reviewing and reflecting on the year and the decade behind me...

What do you do when everything seems to go wrong?
Do you know these days where everything seems to go wrong? You know, days where things keep happening to you over and over again… and...

A five-minute morning ritual to upgrade your day!
It’s 9:00am on a Monday, Maya is napping and I’m enjoying my coffee while soaking up this beautiful morning sun. I’ve just sat down to...

How to make space for things that matter to you?
Last week I wrote a post on social media about the challenges I’ve been experiencing around getting back to my regular post-pregnancy...

I'd Rather Be Here Now
I wanted to share with you something I heard the other day that really resonated with me. ‘I’d rather be here now’ I’ve spent so many...

All Things Birth - Resources From Pregnancy To Postpartum
They say that when a baby is born, so is a mother. The transition to motherhood is one of the biggest transitions a woman can go through...